Our Process

Our Process

Hearing and listening have two distinct meanings:

  • Hearing is detecting and perceiving sound. 
  • Listening is decoding, comprehending, making sense, and assigning meaning to sound.

At Virsono Hearing Center we recognize that Hearing and Listening are not the same thing. We understand that your unique hearing needs, preferences, and lifestyle are crucial in tailoring a hearing solution to match your specific requirements. We focus on the entire person by taking a holistic approach and following a thorough 4-Step process. 

The Virsono Experience - a 4 step process

  • Step 1: Discovery

    Our patients have diverse lifestyles and communication demands and they tell us things such as: “I can hear, but I cannot understand”, “I have trouble understanding speech at restaurants and in noisy groups of people”, “others complain that I turn the TV up too loud”. This can cause feelings of embarrassment, frustration, isolation, even anger. 

    We will take the time to understand your specific concerns. We’ll learn about the when, where, and how you would like to hear better.  And most importantly, we’ll take the time to learn all about YOUR WHY. 

  • Step 2: Review & Connect Test Results

    After we conduct a physical examination of your ears to be sure there isn’t any wax buildup or blockage that could be affecting your hearing, we’ll then conduct a series of tests to find out where in the ear to brain connection the difficulty is taking place. 

    If you already have a current hearing test, we will conduct any additional testing we feel is missing. 

    We’ll review the test results with you and connect them with what you shared in the discovery step.  Our discussion will clarify why these listening situations are difficult for you.   

  • Step 3: Treatment Recommendation

    For most patients there is more than one treatment solution available. We will review all your treatment options with you, then we will make a professional recommendation for the solution that will provide you with the best possible results and outcomes for your unique listening requirements. 

    We’ll explain the features, advantages, and benefits of each option and connect them to your hearing test results and listening goals.  We will take the time to answer all your questions and so that you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you. 

  • Step 4: Personalized Treatment Plan

    A successful treatment plan begins with a balanced approach consisting of three very important components and just like the legs of a three-legged stool, each component is critical to create a stable basis to ensure best results and outcomes for you.  

    State of the art technology – if hearing technology is indicated, we offer only best in class devices available. The time we spend learning your listening goals and reviewing your test results helps us to decide together which technology and features are best suited for you.

    Virsono Hearing Center Team – technology is only as good as the professionals applying it to your needs. We are dedicated experts who combine scientific knowledge with compassion to ensure an optimal outcome for you.

    YOU – the most central and important component of the process. To maximize the benefits of your treatment program you must be committed to the process and journey.

Many years of observation and research have shown that the best outcomes happen when you make a commitment in three key areas:

  • Consistent daily use of your hearing devices.
  • Adhering to an adjustment and adaptation schedule.
  • Learning and using good communication skills. 

We don’t stop there!

Throughout your journey, we will verify, protect, and validate your hearing treatment plan ensuring that it is not only meeting your needs but exceeding your expectations. After your initial 60-day Fitting Optimization Period, you will be scheduled for routine, quarterly clean and checks and annual evaluations. 

The entire team at Virsono Hearing Center is committed to taking this journey with you every step of the way.

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